Four Causes (2016)
Three channel moving image projection, audio and sculpture installation.
Dimensions 0.3m-2.8m
Duration 6m 05s

Four Causes are a series of works that analyze the dynamic relationship between the body and the physical landscape. There are four elements in the installation, a group of sculptural work and three moving image projections. Using movement and gesture as a vernacular, the work explores ideas that were investigated in Aristotelian physics, paying particular attention to the Aitia, or ‘causes of change’. Researching a selection of processes of natural phenomena and engaging with man-made materials lead me to identify common patterns between corporeal movement and the activity of natural elements.The work shifts between two factors, the intuitive and the intentional, proposing that we examine movement as a visceral visual language and as a means of understanding these ‘causes of change’. Using rhythm and editing as a choreographic medium, each piece borrows from the other. The natural elements influence the subject’s movements. This allows the exchange with the man-made material to echo the organic gestures of the body. The repetitive process of sculpture making becomes almost choreographed, physically influencing the forms. The time constraints of the material unite the moment in which the body interacts with the work, and the autonomous process in the prolonged formation of natural phenomena.

Exhibited at  UNCOVER Graduate Showcase Dublin School of Creative Arts, DIT Grangegorman. Technological University Dublin 2016,  RDS Visual Artist Awards 2016 and On Changing Your Mind Homelands at Institute Cervantes, Dublin, IE, Damer House Gallery, Tipperary IE and Cage Gallery, Barcelona, ES, 2019.